How do I reset / restore / update the data and software on the SD-card inside my TX-box?

How do I reset / restore / update the data and software on the SD-card inside my TX-box?

Before deleting anything from the SD-card, make a complete backup. Configurations done in the ‘DEFNET.JS’ file could be used in the future. In this file settings are stored such as the IP-address. In other words, make a backup, to consult previous settings to make configuring the default files easier. And if things were to go wrong, you can always fall back onto your old data.
By following this procedure, all previously logged data (such as logged alarms / trips / shutdowns) will be lost.

It is possible that the files on your SD-card are damaged. This could prevent the TX-box from working properly. Or, maybe you would like to update the software on the TX-box to the latest software version? Find a step-by-step explanation below.

Some anti-virus programs see files with the .js extention, who are present on the SD-card, as a possible threat or even a virus. In some occasions, the anti-virus program will automatically delete files.

To correctly restore the correct files on the SD-card, follow the instructions below.
  1. Download the latest release of the Metacentre TX software and SD-card default contents.
    1. The file is downloadable from the following article:
  2. Temporarily deactivate your antivirus.
  3. Remove the internet connection from the TXBox.
  4. Connect the PC to the TXBox using the USB connection. OR take out the SD-card and insert it into your PC.
    1. TXBox is identified as ‘Mass storage device’.
  5. Make a backup from the SD-card.
  6. Format the SD-card. 
  7. Copy the default SD-card content onto the SD-card.
  8. Edit the ‘DEFNET.JS’ file as desired. Possibly consult the old 'DEFNET.JS' to guide you. Wrongly configuring this file may result in an unreachable web-page.
    1. The 'DEFSYS.JS' file holds all TX-box configurations (e.g. IO-box configurations). Copy the old file onto the fresh SD-card to ensure that your preset values are not lost.
  9. Safely eject the TXBox identified as ‘Mass storage device’.
  10. Remove the USB connection between the PC and the TXBox.
  11. Reactivate your anti-virus.
  12. Restore the internet connection to the TXBox.
  13. Reboot the TXBox.

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