How to update the software of the Metacentre VSD-box module?
This guide can apply to any Metacentre device that contains a S1 or T1 controller. In this example, the guide will specifically explain how to update the software / firmware of a Metacentre VSD-mA box. Using the USB-Nano device and the Flashtool programming software.

The current configurations can be lost by updating the software of any device. Make sure to take note of how the VSD-box parameters are configured before proceeding.
- Obtain a USB-Nano485 serial programmer tool (part number Y07CMD0). See image below. If you don't own one yet, please contact your sales representative.

- Install the appropriate drivers for the USB-Nano485 by following this article:
- Install the Flashtool software on your PC via the following article:
- Open the Flashtool software.
- Click 'options' and configure it according to the screenshot below.

- Make sure the USB-Nano485 is inserted into one of the USB-ports of your PC.
- Navigate to the windows 'Device Manager' to locate which COM port the USB-Nano has been assigned.

- Select the proper COM port in Flashtool. If the USB-Nano is detected properly, it will be detected by the software. Compare the screenshot below to the screenshot of Flashtool options above.

- Press 'OK' to apply.
- In Flashtool, click on the 'File' icon to select the desired software file that you want to use to update the VSD-box with.
- Usually, these softwares are shared by the support team.

- Your PC is now ready to start the programming. Before we can start, we need to establish a connection to the T1 controller that is part of the VSD-box.
- Connect the USB-Nano cable end to the X07 terminal of the T1 controller as per the screenshot below.

- Verify that the wire of the USB-Nano device which is labeled with the letter 'A' is connected to 'L1' and letter 'B' is connected to 'L2'.
- We are now ready to start programming! Click the 'flash' icon
on the FlashTool software to initiate the programming.
- If the VSD-box (and T1 controller) are turned off, apply the power supply to start programming.
- If the VSD-box is already powered on, please remove the power and re-apply it (perform a power cycle).
- You should see the following:

- When the flash programming process is successfully complete the controller will automatically reset, the new application software will run.
- Remove the USB-Nano connection to the T1 controller, and re-connect any previous disconnected terminals / cables / wires.
- Verify all parameters and readjust if required.
- The computer and T1 controller have not been able to connect. Verify the hardware connections made between the USB-Nano and the controller.
- Be sure to perform a power cycle while attempting to initiate the programming.
- A COM port has been selected where no USB-Nano tool has been detected. Reverify the selected COM-port.
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