The webpage of the TX-box is acting strange. General tips & guides to improve functionality.

The webpage of the TX-box is acting strange. General tips & guides to improve functionality.

SD-card compatibility

Make sure a compatible SD-card is inserted into the TX-box. You can use 1GB micro SD and 2GB micro SD for all firmware versions. You can only use 4GB micro SDHC and 8GB micro SDHC for TXMETAWS_E09 and higher firmware. You can find out which firmware you have by going to: Settings -> Diagnostics -> firmware on the top right, on the TX-box webpage.
For more information about the compatibility of an SD-card and the TX-box, please read the corresponding FAQ, which is available here.
  1. The use of google chrome is recommended. Other web browsers might block all or parts of the javascript applications files.
  2. Use the keyboard combination CTRL+R to refresh your web browser. (e.g. after changing a setting)
  3. If the setting still does not change, clear the cache of your browser, and reload the page.
  4. A maximum of 1 account with ‘ADMIN’ rights can be logged on to the Metacentre TX Cyber Console web page at any one time.
  5. A maximum of 5 accounts can be logged on to the Metacentre TX web page at any one time.
  6. At the end of a session, always log out correctly. Do not close the browser without logging out of the web-page first. When this is not respected, the TX-box web page might "think" that there is already a user logged in. If this user is an 'admin' user, unwanted behavior might occur.
  7. Power down the TX-box and power it back up (power cycle, reboot).

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